Warsow 0.31 veröffentlicht

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Warsow 0.31 veröffentlicht

Beitragvon SolidMob » 30.06.2007, 13:27

Wie man auf http://www.warsow.net entnehmen kann:

Warsow 0.31 out !§!§§

(v) Yeehaa ! Here it is Warsow 0.31 is out !

For your information, this new version not only brings many fixes of various bugs spotted in 0.3, but features too some good new stuff. Heres few items randomly picked in the changelog :
- Added BattlEye Anti-Cheat Engine, supporting both Windows and Linux (special huge thanks to Sable for his work)
- Added Team auto-balance
- Added possibility to save stats to a file after match has been finished
- Made Riotguns shot denser, Plasmagun damage upped slightly, EB damage increased, RL splash radius increased/min damage decreased
- Made bots reaction time slower
- Changed CA scoreboard damage-based
- Fixed missing spawn sounds- Fixed Win32 couldnt rename downloaded pk3 files
- Fixed fatal error on a configstring overflow
- Wdm11 remixed, with brand new textures and theme, and slightly changed other maps
- etc. Youll find final 0.31 changelog here

As you can see, Warsow 0.31 is supposed to be a more solid, more polished, more stable, more functional 0.3. As was 0.21 to 0.2. And therefore, I hope this new version will get same success as 0.21. But final verdict is in your hands, warsowians. Now, I only have to give once again my biggest thanks to my beloved team for their hard work, and my biggest thanks to all of you warsowians, for your great support.

Ok, stop babbling, here are all links in the general forum. As usual all mirror offers will be great help =)


wurde War§ow 0.31 veröffentlicht.

Neben dem üblichen Waffen-balancing wurde nun auch eine Anti-cheat Engine namens "BattleEye" integriert.
Den kompletten log findet ihr im letzten anstrich dieses Zitats


Full version: -> Klick
Update von 0.30: -> Klick

Ich werds dann auch gleich mal testen, wenn meine Treiber mitmachen :D

Viel spaß damit !

Quelle: warsow.net
Beiträge: 648
Registriert: 16.02.2007, 01:16
Lizenz: CC
Distribution: Ubuntu 16.04

Beitragvon Cheeky@Boinc » 30.06.2007, 15:06

Die Aktuelle Version ist auch wieder von unserem Fileserver zu bekommen :)

Download (77mb)

Ansonsten sind die Verbesserungen natürlich Spitze ! :D
<3 SuL <3
Beiträge: 7388
Registriert: 28.06.2006, 14:19
Wohnort: Werther
Lizenz: GPL

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